APPLICATION FORM for a FREE FIELD TRIP First Name: Last Name: Title: Date of Birth: University/Organization: Country: Email: Student Type (please select): UndergraduatePostgraduate StudentPhD Student Thesis Title (Towards the degree of your current study): SGA Membership No: Title of Submitted Abstract: Authors: Presentation type requested: OralPoster Field trip requested for a free participation: Alaska GoldButte Porphyry SystemClimax Porphyry MolybdenumCripple Creek Gold Mine, ColoradoMineral Deposits of the World Class San Juan Volcanic Field: Summitville, Creede, Silverton and Ouray Districts, ColoradoTops and Bottoms of Carlin-type Hydrothermal SystemsYellowstone Hydrothermal Complex, Wyoming Please explain why you want to attend the field trip and how it is related to your research (max one page A4):