APPLICATION FORM for a FREE SHORT COURSE First Name: Last Name: Title: Date of Birth: University/Organization: Country: Email: Student Type (please select): UndergraduatePostgraduate StudentPhD Student Thesis Title (Towards the degree of your current study): SGA Membership No: Title of Submitted Abstract: Authors: Presentation type requested: OralPoster Short course requested for a free participation: Exploration of Sediment-Hosted MetalsOrogenic GoldOre MicroscopyTectonic and Structural Framework for Precious Metal Deposits in North AmericaAdvanced Open-Source Tools for Mineral Predictive MappingDatabase Design to Capture and Archive Geological ObservationsFluid and Melt Inclusions in Ore SystemsMineral Markets: How Economics Informs StrategyUAV-Borne Hyperspectral Mapping Approaches Within Mining Environments- Lessons on Best-Practice From a Legacy Mine and Tailings Site Within the M4Mining ProjectConcepts and Application of Machine Learning to Mining Geoscience: A Practical CourseGeological Mapping in Mineral Exploration Please explain why you want to attend the short course and how it is related to your research (max one page A4):